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    Gili Yaari
    Yair Lapid
    elections campaign
    fianace minister
    israel 2015 elections
    israel general elections 2015
    press conference
    yesh Atid
    Yair Lapid, leader of 'Yesh Atid' Party and former Israeli Finance Minister, seen after giving a statement to the press outside his home in Tel-Aviv, Israel on March 13, 2015. Photo by Gili Yaari /FLASH90
    Gili Yaari
    Yair Lapid
    elections campaign
    fianace minister
    israel 2015 elections
    israel general elections 2015
    press conference
    yesh Atid
    Yair Lapid, leader of 'Yesh Atid' Party and former Israeli Finance Minister is seen with supporters after giving a statement to the press outside his home in Tel-Aviv, Israel on March 13, 2015. Photo by Gili Yaari /FLASH90
    Gili Yaari
    Yair Lapid
    elections campaign
    fianace minister
    israel 2015 elections
    israel general elections 2015
    press conference
    yesh Atid
    Yair Lapid, leader of 'Yesh Atid' Party and former Israeli Finance Minister, sorrounded by supporters and media, prepares for a press statement outside his home in Tel-Aviv, Israel on March 13, 2015. Photo by Gili Yaari /FLASH90
    Gili Yaari
    Yair Lapid
    elections campaign
    fianace minister
    israel 2015 elections
    israel general elections 2015
    yesh Atid
    Yair Lapid, leader of 'Yesh Atid' Party and former Israeli Finance Minister speaks to supporters during an election campaign meeting in Tel-Aviv, Israel on March 13, 2015. Photo by Gili Yaari /FLASH90