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    Gili Yaari
    Shimon Wizman
    right wing activists
    About 200 Jewish settlers and Right Wing activists participated a demo near a military prison close to Atlit, in support of the Israeli soldier Shimon Wizman whose house was destroyed by IDF in Gilad Farm outpost on March 12, 2011. Wizman was jailed after declaring that he will not return to the army until his house is rebuilt. Photo by Gili Yaari / Flash 90
    Gili Yaari
    Shimon Wizman
    right wing activists
    About 200 Jewish settlers and Right Wing activists participated a demo near a military prison close to Atlit, in support of the Israeli soldier Shimon Wizman whose house was destroyed by IDF in Gilad Farm outpost on March 12, 2011. Wizman was jailed after declaring that he will not return to the army until his house is rebuilt. Photo by Gili Yaari / Flash 90
    Gili Yaari
    Shimon Wizman
    right wing activists
    About 200 Jewish settlers and Right Wing activists participated in a demo near a military prison close to Atlit, in support of the Israeli soldier Shimon Wizman whose house was destroyed by IDF in Gilad Farm outpost on March 12, 2011. Wizman was jailed after declaring that he will not return to the army until his house is rebuilt. Photo by Gili Yaari / Flash 90