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    Olivier Fitoussi
    Rita Weiss
    holocaust survivor
    Holocaust survivor Rita Weiss participates to a Symposium "Holocaust Denial: Paving the Way to Genocide" at Yad Vashem museum Holocaust on December14. 2006. Photo by Olivier Fitoussi /Flash90
    Olivier Fitoussi
    Avner Shalev
    Avner Shalev, Chairman of the Yad Vashem Directorate participates to a Symposium "Holocaust Denial: Paving the Way to Genocide" at Yad Vashem museum Holocaust on December14. 2006. Photo by Olivier Fitoussi /Flash90
    Olivier Fitoussi
    Holocaust Denial
    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
    Diplomats from 40 countries participating to a Symposium "Holocaust Denial: Paving the Way to Genocide" at Yad Vashem museum Holocaust look at a video interview of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on December14. 2006. Photo by Olivier Fitoussi /Flash90
    Olivier Fitoussi
    Diplomats from 40 countries participats to a Symposium "Holocaust Denial: Paving the Way to Genocide" at Yad Vashem museum Holocaust on December14. 2006. Photo by Olivier Fitoussi /Flash90